Monday, April 26, 2010

Jackson is 6!!!!

He really is 6 years old. I know the one candle in the cupcake can be confusing but I figured the spit that escapes his mouth when blowing candles out should be confined to only one cupcake.
This morning when he woke up, I gave him a big hug and started kissing him while wishing him a happy birthday. He grinned and said, "I knew you were going to do that." I guess I'm predictable. I was also lamenting that he was growing up so fast. He said, "Don't worry, Mom, I'll be a kid for a while longer." I'm glad he will be, but I know what he doesn't know yet, it will go by too fast--it already has.

I took brownies and cookies to his class today to celebrate his birthday. He was pretty excited about the whole thing. He wore a special badge on his shirt all day that says : Jedi Knight Birthday. Did I mention he slept with it? He pinned it on his Pj's last night and then transfered it to his shirt this morning. So cute.
Jackson, I love you. I'm so glad we get have you in our family. Happy Birthday!


Ira said...

Happy Birthday Jackson! We love you!

Meredith Hayes said...

Happy bday to the best Jackson. Wish we were there to cover him in hugs and eat a brownie in school -- which, by the way, is worth its weight in peruvian GOLD!!! My bday is in JULY so we could NEVER have Merzy bday cupcakes or brownies or even candy corn!!! (Sob!) And that instance will buy you some serious street cred and gratitude amongst your peers! Jackson, whether he knows it or not, is at the top of his game for the rest of the school year. :) Good job, mom.