Monday, April 26, 2010

Max declares WAR.

This afternoon, I was peacefully cooking in my kitchen thinking pleasant thoughts, when I heard some strange noises upstairs. I checked Max's crib first since he was suppose to be in it taking his nap. What I found on my way to his crib was a nicely formed, smelly, brown piece of poo resting comfortably on his soon-to-be sanitized blue rug. But no Max. I started calling his name and heard some muffled noises coming from the bathroom. I went to the door only to find it locked. I told Max to open it and he said my least favorite word, "No, Mama." I cajoled, I ranted, I banged on the door and imagined horrible things but still he would not unlock the door. Finally, I had to pick the lock. I found Max at the sink with his pants around his ankles and his white bum bared for all to see, playing happily with a cup and the running faucet. I considered putting him time out for the rest of his life.

All I can say is, It's ON Max. It is so ON! You messed with the wrong, Mama!


Babelicious said...

Sometimes when I read your blog, I feel like I'm reading my own life story.....poop on the carpet, a little one sitting in the sink flooding the place, fire alarms, escapes.....etc....

Carolee said...

Last month Drew locked himself in his room and proceeded to wipe lotion and Neosporin ALL OVER his room (chair, carpet, dresser, etc.) AND he would NOT unlock the door. He was in their for like 20 minutes, until I could pick it (those darn lever latched doors). Needless to say, I was ticked and immediately took off his door knob.....i'll show him?!? Don't know if that turned into more of a punishment for me or him?? (especially since the door knob is back on).

PS The door knob was so slippery he couldn't get it he apparently tried to at some point. But, there was also alot of "no mamas" and laughing during the whole ordeal.

Babelicious said...

and then...I look at your Hana estate and I realize we live very very different lives!! (The place is fabulous!!)