Monday, March 29, 2010

Max strikes AGAIN!


I am posting this while hiding under my bed with the covers over my head. No, not really but I do wish that Harry Potter's invisibility cloak truly existed and was in my possession for a few hours today.

How is that you can watch your two year old every second as he benignly plays and the minute you glance at another one of your children he is in mischief so deep there is no way out but utter embarrassment? Embarrassment for you that is, your two year old will think the whole affair is great fun.

Let us just say that a fire alarm was pulled at a public place that contained a hundred or more people. This one teeny fire alarm was somehow connected to about 200 flashing lights and 50 more fire alarms that were all going off in unison. If that wasn't enough warning that a two year old was not properly being watched by his mother, a recorded voice over the PA system announced that everyone needed to evacuate the building immediately. I had to make a counter announcement to the lady at the front desk that the chaos was nothing more than a two year old desiring to see what would happen when he pulled the red lever. Oh, and was she irritated. Apparently, she had no clue how to stop the sirens, lights and general noise-making. (I also don't think she has ever had a two year old.) Luckily, the humiliation only lasted about twenty minutes and thankfully the fire department did not arrive. (Although, on second thought, that might not have been such a bad thing. A little eye candy amidst ear-popping, mind numbing noise might have been nice, a silver lining even.)

A few other parents gave me a conspiratorial smile but I could not see the humor. I'm sure I will... in a few decades. As for Max, he was chastened for a moment at least. I'm pretty sure when he told me a few minutes later that he needed to go pee resulting in a dry pull-up and a successful potty moment that he was apologizing.


vidkid said...

Reminds me of a certain young lady who was a handful when she was two !

MediocreMama said...

So sorry. Two year olds are so hard to enjoy some days.

But yay for a dry pull up!

When's dinner again? I think I'm ready.

Meredith Hayes said...

2 weeks into his MTC experience he'll write you a 3 page letter apologizing from the deepest cavities of his soul for ever causing you a moment's distress.

If I'm wrong I'll make you a batch of Nordy Bars.

Babelicious said...

Luke pulled the fire alarm at church a couple months ago. The sad thing is no one evacuated because everyone just assumed HE did it. No one knew how to turn it off there either, and we had a family party to get to, so I felt quite guilty just driving away letting everyone else fix my son's problem. What was Luke's punishment? Well, the bishop took him in his office and gave him a candy bar! I can so relate to this.