Sunday, June 7, 2009

Ella graduates from Kindergarten!

 Ella (in a text to her dad) : This is Ella.  Dear Dad,  I passed Kindergarten.  I will be in first grade.  I can't wait to see you.  Love Ella.


Friday, June 5, 2009

Memorial Day

We decided to go see what those big, red rocks behind our house were all about.  After living here for two years, we decided that we'd waited the obligatory amount of time to seem "cool" and so we went to enjoy a smallish, kid-friendly hike.  It was fun and games until after the first yard, Ella decided she was "tired"!  We finished the hike with one, gigantic tantrum from Max because he wanted to play with my cell phone instead of look at cacti.  Typical Max.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Oh, Jackson!!!

WARNING THIS POST CONTAINS SHOCKING MATERIAL.  BE ADVISED. :) (Now I know you'll all read it. Ha. Ha. Aren't I clever?)

Tonight at dinner Max dumped his milk out all over his tray.  Jackson responded to the disaster with an "Oh, my GOD!"  Which, quite frankly, shocked me and elicited a greater response than the proverbial "spilled milk."  I proceeded to give an in depth and quite brilliant lecture on why we do not drop the G-bomb.  I felt assured that the little stinker had taken my lesson to heart until I heard his prayer tonight.  Now I'm not quite convinced that his mind wasn't thinking of Power Rangers/Star Wars/Soccer/Why do we____(fill in the blank!) while I was expounding.  

Jackson: "Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for all my blessings.  Sorry I called you God tonight..."

Me: Sigh

Friday, May 22, 2009

2 Things:

1) Kate's prayer tonight was hilarious. "...I'm grateful for the whole world, trees and wood that makes houses, tools that people use to make everything, and all matter and that includes solids, liquids and gas."

2) I realized today that I was looking forward to going to the dentist.  I was anticipating with great joy the 10 minutes I would have to read a book undisturbed in the waiting room.  I was giddy thinking about the hour or so I would have in the dentist's chair without my progeny. Sometimes peace is worth a couple of shots in your mouth and a few fillings.  Really.  (Although, I may try and get a pedicure next time...)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Marathon Blog--Part 7--Ward Talent Show

Kate played "Book of Mormon stories" on the piano.  She did a great job.  Jackson sang "Take me out to the ball game"  with his baseball team.  Ella opted out of stage performance this year and displayed a picture she had drawn.  It was all fun until Max fell down and got a huge goose egg above his eye and a bloody nose.  Good times.  

Marathon Blog--Part 6--Ha, I tricked you!

As you can tell, I don't really do so well with the camera but I did make a pretty darn good healthy cookie.  

Here's the recipe:

Erica's fabulous low-fat, verbose, flax-seed filled, healthy chocolate, anti-oxidant chip cookie 

1 stick of "I can't believe it's not butter"
4oz Low fat or fat free cream cheese
1/2 c sugar
1 1/2 c brown sugar (unless all you have are brown lumps like me.  Then substitute some white sugar.)
2 eggs
2 1/2 t vanilla extract
1 c wheat flour
1 1/2 c  all purpose flour
2 T ground flax seed
3/4 t salt
1 t baking powder
1 t baking soda
Semi- sweet chocolate chips

Bake at 350 degrees for 9 minutes.  NOT 10 minutes--9 minutes.  (I'm kidding, I'm sure an extra minute won't ruin your cookies.)  

So, while I was throwing healthy things into these cookies, I was picturing a future conversation with Max.

Max (33 years old, 6 kids, independently wealthy, G.A.--you get the idea): Mom, I feel I must tell you that as a teenager I snuck out of the house and toilet papered our neighbors' rose bushes.  I promise that is the worse thing I have ever done and the guilt has eaten me alive all these years.  I'm so so sorry, Mom.  You raised me better than that. (Tears glistening in his eyes at this point.)

Me (undisclosed age):  Sweetheart, don't worry.  I already knew that!  But there is something that you don't know, I put flax seed in the chocolate chip cookies I made for you all during your growing up years.  (Chuckling )  I guess I fooled you!

Max: Oh, Mom, you are so clever!  I owe my fantastic success and happiness to you and your fabulous flax seed.  How would you and Dad like to take a cruise-- on me, of course!?

I'm telling you--these are good!  (Okay, so they do taste a little healthy but the kids didn't notice at all!)