Thursday, June 9, 2011

What I did today...

1.  I just spent the last 20 minutes deleting 134 videos/photos of myself shopping at Target.  If only they were all this flattering:

2.  Saying goodbye to some fantastic teachers and realizing that I have FOUR children not just the one and they will ALL be HOME ALL SUMMER!

3.  Woke up this morning and ate this:
5. Pinched myself for being such a lucky girl because last night I stayed here:

5.  And met him:

6.  Lied to my husband about posting this picture:

7. And this one:

8. Made excuses.  Like this one:  We spent the night at the Mirage celebrating our 14th wedding anniversary a little early.  Robert had one of those rare work hook-ups and was able to get us fantastic seats to the 5th Anniversary performance of The Beatles' Love.  It was all kinds of awesome.  Paul McCartney and Yoko Ono along with some of their progeny were there.  Robert refused to let me take pictures on my iphone even though I promised to be discrete. :(   But I digress, I do really try and be honest at all times but Robert was refusing to have his picture taken commemerating our 14th wedding anniversary celebration.  Why, you ask would a man married for 14 years refuse to let his wife take a picture of him?  Let me quote him: "Only if you promise not to post it on your blog."  What good is a picture that you can't post on your blog????  Seriously.  So then he asks me if I intended to post the pictures I am snapping of the room.  I replied, "Why, yes, I certainly do!"   He might of accused ME of wanting to brag to my friends!

So, I hope you don't take this as bragging and if you do then I should probably say that most nights I am home dipping my scrub brush in a bucket full of ammonia and scrubbing the pee off the bathroom floor because my boys' couldn't aim if their lives depended on it.  And if that still doesn't make you feel better than this should:
ARGHH.  Look at my hUGE  rear.  You can thank Max and his photography skills for keeping me in check.

The End.  Literally.


S.A.R. said...

Whoa! I just watched Elijah Wood in "Everything Is Illuminated" last night. I bet he asked for your digits.

Happy 14th anniversary!

Julie said...

hahahahaahahaha I have to say I have deleted many a picture/video off of my phone that were the work of your very own max. Luckily, most were of him not me. ;)

That is incredible about your anniversary!!! I guess you did something a little more exciting than dinner and Midnight in Paris? Was it a surprise? Man you guys deserved that, how awesome!!

Alisha said...

Love the booty pic. Work it.

MediocreMama said...

See, if I looked like that from behind I'd be posting those pics all day long...

I delete unflattering photos off my phone every night. Really, really humbling process.