Friday, May 14, 2010

Mom strikes back...

What is Max so unhappy about, you ask?
What does that pouty face mean?
It means that Max will not be able to exit the house anytime he feels like it. He will no longer force his mother to chase him down the street.
He will no longer play with the garage door opener. Open, shut, open, shut, open, shut, open, shut. It never gets old.
All in all, I'm quite pleased with m'self.


[AnnieR] said...

simply genius. now if I get just figure out a way to do this with myself and my pantry...

tjnicky said...

You never have a dull moment, do you!!! I think our little Cambree might turn into a little Max, with all of the escaping!! I'll have to learn from your ideas!!

Meek Family said...

Oh yeah!!! I remember those days. We had a top lock on our front door as well as several important closets to keep Tal in the house and out of trouble. Good Luck!!!