Friday, May 14, 2010

Max's shiner :

Okay, so those of you who know me will look at these pictures and think, "Wow, poor child he inherited his mother's horrendous under-eye circles." or "Well, Max really must be getting up early. Learning to climb out of his crib is not agreeing with him." Seriously, the pictures don't do the bruising justice. He looks bad. I was at Pottery Barn Kids today letting Max create havoc with their displays when I made a non-thinking, side comment to Max, something like, "Oh, your poor face." One of the sales ladies over-heard and walked up to me and said, "Yeah, what happened to him?" I explained about how our family has bad luck with slides and parks, etc. Max bonked his nose trying to climb the slide last night at the Ward Picnic. He howled up a storm and then decided to try and climb a tree. After my explanation, we quickly left the store. I didn't want to be there when the CPS agents arrived if the clerk didn't believe my story. I'm just glad she couldn't see the bruises on his back from where he fell climbing down from his high chair yesterday. Whew.

1 comment:

mcampbell said...

Max looks so big without his curls! Can't believe it. Looks like he is full of adventures as usual...can't wait to see him s o o n ! Love you guys.