Sunday, April 19, 2009


I don't think I've been this embarrassed in quite a while.   Max got a hold of my phone and texted my neighbor.  It wouldn't have been so bad, but the conversation went like this:

Neighbor:  Thanks so much for being willing to help out.

Me:  No problem. Poo

I explained (hours later...when I noticed!)  but you know she's thinking how does a 18 month old type "poo" on a phone. Sometimes you really have to hate predictive texting.  And to answer the next question, I don't often type "poo" in my phone.  Really.  Well, maybe a few times.  But not to my NEIGHBORS.  I PROMISE!!  


[AnnieR] said...

I'm just shocked it was "poo" and not "BM."

MediocreMama said...

This actually made me laugh out loud (literally) and I'm still laughing...

It reminds me of the time my brother broke into my sister's email account and emailed EVERYONE on her contact list: "Sorry I've been hard to reach lately...I've had two weeks of extremely violent diarrhea..."

However, he was in his twenties and Max isn't even two yet.

Christine Dallimore said...

Now that is really funny! Kelvin and I laughed really hard!! Did you get the invite to our blog? I sent you one, but not sure if it went through. I have been having a hard time with that-- not sure why!! Ahhh, computers! ;0) Have a great wekend!

Meredith said...

I'm still laughing about this one.