Friday, November 21, 2008


Number 1:

Jackson:(quietly) Mom, you know what? I do really like girl toys sometimes.
Me: Oh, really? Like what?
Jackson: (Thoughtful) Like girl trucks and girl puppies.
Me: (trying not to laugh) I'm sure that's okay.

Number 2:

Maxwell is a racist. He does not like Asian people. Twice, some very nice Asians have tried to say "hi" and he has freaked out. Crying, hollering, generally making a scene, sending these poor nice people running for cover. I quickly try to mumble some excuse about how he is tired, etc. And then I run, too.

Number 3:

I spend too much time on the computer.

What do you have to confess?


Meredith said...

1) i just ate my weight in peanut butter filled pretzel nuggets.

2) i got bamboozled into seeing "twilight" with some gal pals tonight.

3) i read both my sisters' diaries when i was a wee thing.


Meredith said...

P.S. in all fairness, THEY left the diaries sitting around! they were practically PAYING me to do it!

and P.P.S. good to see you yesterday; i stand by my statement that your house is divinity, even if you think it's not well lit.

Anonymous said...

1. I can't walk by my computer without checking my email.

2. I hate wrapping the stupid cord around the vacuum.

3. I hate twilight and wish it would go away. GASP!

[AnnieR] said...

1. I spend too much time on my iPhone, particularly on my Word Warp app which I am completely addicted to.

2. Sometimes I get really, really long arm hairs that just grow. I'll see it and think it's a stray hair off my head so I'll go to pick it off but then I discover it's connected to my arm so I yank it out and always wish Go was there to show him. Sometimes I try to think of ways to perserve the integrity of the freakishly long arm hair like sticking it to a piece of tape or something but I usually just let it flutter to the ground and tell Go about it later.

3. I think you're cute.

[AnnieR] said...

4. My word verification just now was "slybotom". I'm not even joking.

Angie said...

I really want this T-shirt that says "I make milk. What's your super-power?" as my reward for getting up with little J everynight. I secretly think that crazy stares I would get would be quite invigorating.

Babelicious said...

My confession: I secretly wish that leggins and huge sweatshirts would come back in style. You know the freshman days of college look. I know it's ugly, but it's so comfortable and I would much prefer that to the tight t-shirts of today that show EVERYONE's rolls and love handles!