Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tomorrow is the day...

Some of you may know that I have not eaten sugar for three plus months.  Well, It's my birthday and I'll eat sugar if I want to.  When you turn 33 years old, you just have to have  a treat to drown your sorrow in.  You ask yourself questions like, "How is this possible?" "How did I get so old?"  "Is that a new wrinkle?"  "Are my boobs saggy?" You realize that you have to enjoy life a little because soon you will be near death (a.k.a. 40!)  Think of me tomorrow night at my favorite Las Vegas buffet and give a little "oink", because I'll be PIGGING out.

P.S.  No cookies were harmed or eaten in the taking of this picture.  You cookies are all safe from me... at least until tomorrow night!  If you must know, my three little munchkins quickly devoured my cookie as soon as I was done taking the picture.  It was even difficult to get them to wait.  

1 comment:

Aby Runyan said...

Wow, THREE MONTHS??!! That is totally amazing. I feel quite certain I could not last 3 days. Maybe not even 3 hours. This is the main reason that you are thin. . . and I am not.
luvs, aby

PS - Happy happy birthday!! For some reason I thought you were younger than me and I have to admit that I am VERY happy that you are not. Sorry, but I am. This is because EVERYBODY I know is younger than me and it makes me want to puke. So consider it your very early birthday present to ME that you are older. Love ya!!