Showing posts with label soap box. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soap box. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Top five reasons why I am AWESOME!

5) I gain five pounds whenever I go to Hawaii. I think this fact makes me more likable and helps people get over the "Hawaii" part.
4) I brush my teeth 3 times a day. I also shave my pits. (Your welcome!)
3) I am impervious to smelly, poop-filled diapers. Doesn't bother me AT ALL.
2) I am good with chocolate: eating, cooking, licking, smelling, stealing/borrowing, hiding, etc.

And the #1 reason why I am THE BOMB: I set my brother up with his future wife. They are engaged! Oh, yeah! (Imagine me pirouetting and singing out loud the following: I am the queen of Mormon matchmaking! I am a matchmaker extraordinaire! )

Don't they give medals in Heaven for this kind of thing?

Seriously, I can't take too much credit. It's kind of a no-brainer when you introduce two wonderful, intelligent, attractive people. It's not hard to guess the ending. Still, I reserve the right to feel smug for at least a few more days. :)

I "heart" Jeff & Merzy!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tax Shelters and such...

I'm not sure what to think about this election hoopla. On one hand, I am happy that so many people felt empowered and voted in this election. On the other, I am sad that a good man, a gracious man and a man full of character lost. I'm not sure what this says about our country. I am hopeful that Obama can be a good President. I'll give him a chance.

However, I worry. There has been so much bias in the media coverage of the election (ie:treatment of Romney vs. Obama). Have we gotten to the point where the liberal media shapes our views and values? Or worse, is our moral compass? Does being politically correct trump moral values? I can't lie, I've been on the edge of my seat, biting my nails waiting for the outcome in the Prop 8 campaign in California. CNN says it is still too close to call, although it seems like it will be a victory for the "Yes" campaign. I couldn't be more happy about it, too. I believe down to the tip-tops of my scaly feet that that marriage is between a man and a woman. And I feel like warm cinnamon buns inside that the majority of California voters agree. I can't help but feel bad for the Gay people out there who misunderstand the intent behind my beliefs. I am not a hater. I don't hate people who are Gay. I don't. I don't want to infringe upon their rights, but I will not let them infringe upon mine either. Same-sex marriage changes what is a fundamental building block of our society. It has vast reaching consequences. It goes against the core of what has been Christian beliefs for eons. It is confusing for our children. It takes stability away from our society. I understand the desire (and I believe it is a righteous one) for people, gay and straight to want to have lasting bonds with another individual and create a family. That is part of our moral DNA. However, you can't take something that is morally wrong and make it right. And you can't confuse equality with morality.

And that is the end of my soap box for today. I am climbing down and trying to avoid the tomato's being hurled at my politically incorrect head. Anyway, I have some serious work to do today--I need to find some tax shelters before January 20th. Or an offshore Swiss bank account? Ha...ha...ha! (The "ha's" are for the IRS, on the off-chance, they are addicted to "The Bun.")