Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Top five reasons why I am AWESOME!

5) I gain five pounds whenever I go to Hawaii. I think this fact makes me more likable and helps people get over the "Hawaii" part.
4) I brush my teeth 3 times a day. I also shave my pits. (Your welcome!)
3) I am impervious to smelly, poop-filled diapers. Doesn't bother me AT ALL.
2) I am good with chocolate: eating, cooking, licking, smelling, stealing/borrowing, hiding, etc.

And the #1 reason why I am THE BOMB: I set my brother up with his future wife. They are engaged! Oh, yeah! (Imagine me pirouetting and singing out loud the following: I am the queen of Mormon matchmaking! I am a matchmaker extraordinaire! )

Don't they give medals in Heaven for this kind of thing?

Seriously, I can't take too much credit. It's kind of a no-brainer when you introduce two wonderful, intelligent, attractive people. It's not hard to guess the ending. Still, I reserve the right to feel smug for at least a few more days. :)

I "heart" Jeff & Merzy!


[AnnieR] said...

Strangely enough dear sister in law, knowing you gained five pounds DOES help! Like sugar helps the medicine go down, in fact. But then I look out my window and it is cold, rainy, and the sun refuses to shine and wait--nope, doesn't help afterall. You mind gaining like 10 or 15 next time? That might do the trick.
I'd like to thank you for setting Merz up with Jeff. I really, really wanted to be related to her somehow. Heaven knows I tried, but this sort of works, too. She's my sister-in-law-in-law. Again! And TWICE my sister-in-law-in-law cancels out one of the "in-law"s, right? I thought so.

Laurel Dougall said...

loved the hawaii one. i always enjoy your humor, as i always say. congrats on your match making! :) laurel

Meredith said...

As far as I'm concerned, you can go pillage and plunder for the rest of your life, and still go straight to heaven. Even plucking the wings off rarely seen butterflies would not be the means of closing the pearly gates to you.

And I wish you were here in Utah and Idaho this week, because I would join you in the celebratory fake ballerina dances because I get to marry jeff Hayes and you just don't get over the amazingness of such a thing. Instead you are in Hawaii eating macadamian nuts, dipped in chocolate no doubt, and while I doubt you are really gaining weight, I will pretend you are. :)

And I am thrilled like it's nobody's business to move your blog link up to a closer group. :)

Babelicious said...

Yay!! Congratulations!! Enjoy being the "queen" for now--your status may change when they have their first "married" fight--you know--the ones that you think YOU'LL never have and SMACK.....
Really..this is exciting news--send Jeff and Merzy and your parents my congrats!

S.A.R. said...

Yes, those reasons all completely qualify as awesome.

So, now I'm related to you twice. Does this mean that I too can share in your awesomeness? Please????

Meredith said...

And I also really love that you did a blog post about the top 5 reasons that you're awesome. We're going to have a lot of fun at family get togethers, you and me, sitting around eating chocolates that we are so good with, discussing and congratulating our mutual and collective awesomeness.