Showing posts with label Kate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kate. Show all posts

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Kate's Birthday--10 YEARS OLD!

I can't believe my baby is ten years old--double digits--as she likes to point out and two years until she can babysit (also her).  It's kind of crazy!  Luckily, this year we got to spend the whole day together since it was spring break.  I let her choose what she wanted to eat for each meal and an activity that we could do together.  We had waffles for breakfast, Arby's for lunch and taquitos for dinner.  We spent the day at Las Vegas Mini Grand Prix and had a great time.  The girls drove go-carts on the "fast" track.  It was the first time either of them had been behind the wheel and both Robert and I were worried.  The first couple of times around the tracks both Kate & Ella had looks of sheer terror but after a few passes they were grinning.  The boys had fun on their track too and Jackson was convinced he "won".   The kids rode a tame roller coaster, slid down slides and a few other rides.  They played Air Hockey and Max pretended to shoot his gun at bad guys.  We came home and opened presents and gorged ourselves on cake and ice-cream.  A great day and a Happy Birthday.  We love you Kate.  Here's to a lot more birthdays!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Blogging Hiatus

I've been in a blogging bog.  I have not been able to motivate myself to turn on the computer, down load the photos, think of something to say, type the words and create a post.  Much more interesting and easy, I might add, to read all of yours.  Still, I claim when I need to justify my piece of cyber-world that this blog is my family journal.  I've been known to even spout in self-righteous overtones that it counts as my journal and I can cross that to-do off my list.  Still my life isn't as shiny or photographed as beautifully as other blogs--and gosh darn it those lives are attractive, interesting and distracting.  Sometimes it is just more fun to read about what YOU do or what YOU made or what tantrum YOUR kid threw.  Nevertheless, my alter-ego, Mrs. Guilt-o-maniac has intervened in my unconscious or at least unintentional blogging strike and I am ready to begin anew.  Or at least start and stop several times and be wholly inconsistent...

We had some crazy hair days.  Or a sneak peek at how my children may look in 3-10 years during a rebellious phase.
We had some crazy food for April 1st.  This is a cake or rather  Bisquick, pepperoni & sausage, red-sauce-filling with mozzarella cheese on top.

I'm afraid this is more acting than true consternation but still a good part of the fun.

Green cookies for dessert--the trick was they were actually good!

These were my own April Fool's joke.  They were suppose to be hot dog cookies.  I ask you, do they look like hot dogs to you?  Yeah, I had to improvise with the green cookies.  Kind of disappointing.  

Jello juice.  Max was the only one kind of tricked.  He couldn't figure out why his "juice" wouldn't come up the straw and he was thirsty.  And it wasn't a laughing matter.

Next year Kate, that expression is going to be real!   It's on!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dear Kate,

You climbed in bed with me last night--a bad dream.  You said the book you were reading, A Wrinkle in Time, "freaked" you out.  I reached out and pulled you in bed.  I held you close and listened to your breathing as you fell asleep.  It's been awhile.  I remembered when you were first born and we would sleep together.  You would lay curled up on my chest.  You fit neatly between my chest and my belly button.  I liked to have you there. Your Dad would wake up and tease me because you were never in the bassinet that I insisted was essential.  I would watch your chest rise and fall, rise and fall.  I would marvel at your tiny legs tucked so neatly underneath you.  I would gently run my index finger down the length of your back and stroke your head, your ear, your cheek. I would stare at your sweet face and wonder who you would be come.  Sometimes I would cry--loving you so much hurt.  I felt so vulnerable.  I realized I would do anything--and more than I thought I was capable of-- for you.     I wondered...would you ever twirl around for me in a pink tutu?  Would that fuzz on your head grow long?  Would you be stubborn?  Would we giggle over a chocolate chip cookie one wintry afternoon?  I would imagine us together--older.  But I could never really see.  It was beyond the scope of possibility in those quiet moments that you would grow or change.
You made me--reinvented me--a newly minted mother.  Last night, you could not fit on my chest.  I put my arm around you and held you close.  You needed me.  I layed awake and marveled at the beauty of you--arms, legs, ears, fingers, dirty nails--inhaling your "stink" as you would call it.   I find I am astonished at how much I love you.  It still hurts.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Brag, Brag, Braggy, Brag, Braggerama.

Introducing the U10 Girls Soccer Division 2nd Place Champions!

Kate, Ella and Kidshine friends pose with Ms. Robin.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Quotes by Kate:

At dinner tonight:

I don't want to have four kids.  I'll have to wash millions of dishes and drive to and fro--my life would be pandemonium.

Yep.  You've pretty much got it down, Kate.

Monday, August 30, 2010

The first day of school--Boo-Hoo or Woo-Hoo?

A little bit of both. Each of the kids were funny in their own way today. Kate was eager to prove that she was "big" and didn't need her Mom. She took herself to class today and ducked her head when I came later to her classroom to snap a few pictures. She was clearly embarrassed to have me there and I was denied a kiss for the first time. Sigh. She is getting bigger.
Ella was nervous. She wanted to be dropped off last and as she walked into the classroom she visibly hid inside herself. She dropped her head a bit and hunched her shoulders. I'm sure by the end of the day she'll be her bright-eyed, bubbly self. I felt worried leaving her in a situation where I knew she wasn't comfortable. A little boo-hoo.

Jackson. Jackson was himself through and through. I had to ask him 10 times to hold still so I could take his picture in class. He was directing me on where to put things and couldn't help reminding me that he was perfectly correct in his idea of where his backpack should go. Not that I was disputing him. I was simply trying to get him to hold still so I could document the momentous occasion of him entering 1st grade. He got settled and didn't even notice when I left. I got the distinct impression that he couldn't wait for me to get out so he could get on with it all ready. Boo.

Max doesn't start school until next week much to his disappointment. He was ready this morning with his backpack. He was thrilled until we left all the kids at the school. He wailed all the way to the car: "I want my Ella-Kate...wah, JJ...sniff, sniff." Repeat over and over. Big Boo-Hoo.

Ah, another year begins and my kids get older. This makes me sad and a bit nostalgic. However, I did make it through Walmart today at record pace with only one little man to slow me down. There's nothing wrong with that. Nothing at all. I might actually get something done today. I'm feeling saner already. Big Woo-hoo!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Crappy Pictures. Fabulous Kids.

Kate and Jackson are now yellow belts in Tae Kwan Do! I can't spell it but you don't want to meet either kid in a dark alley way. They could take you. Seriously. Their teacher (master, coach???) testing them in front of their classmates. Super scary.
And today, Kate was honored at an Awards ceremony at her elementary school. She received two awards and a medal for straight A's. One of awards was the Role Model Award. Her teacher said that the any place Kate was would be better because she was there. It choked me up. Not because I was proud but rather, I can't think of anything more that I want for any of my children... to make their environment better simply because of who they are and what they are.

Thank you Kate, for your example to all and mostly to your old Mom. I love you and I am so, so proud of you.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Scripture Study

We read 2 Nephi chapter 9 tonight. There are a lot of "wo's" and warnings in this chapter. I was feeling fairly good about my righteousness as I explained repentance and the atonement to the kids. The following were the reactions I got:

Kate: (Bursts into tears and wails) What if I don't make it to the Celestial Kingdom to be with Mommy? I know there are some things that I forgot to repent for! (Sob, sob.)

Ella: (Confidently) I don't think I'll make it to the Celestial Kingdom. I'm pretty sure I'll be in that second one. (A few moments later while I am trying desperately to calm everyone down.) I try to feel bad about some things that I do.

Jackson: I always feel bad about what I do!


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Off to Hawaii...

Tomorrow. This is the picture that Kate wanted to take today. It makes her feel less like crying if she has a picture of me to look at. At least that is what she said. I am filled with guilt for leaving them. Max is sad and clingy. Sometimes I wonder if a vacation without the kids is worth the trauma.