Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Easter Eggs Dye-ing:

We believe in cross-aproning in this family.

Intense concentration: We take our Easter Eggs seriously.
FYI- It took two days to get the green color out of his hand. Max believes the perfect Easter egg is created only with the "hands-on" approach. And who am I to question his green genius?

Why post Easter in May?

I'm behind, obviously. I feel like I've been running solid for the last 3 weeks in a hamster wheel and it doesn't matter how fast I run--I'm still not getting anywhere. So, I will at least attempt to catch up my blog posts. I'm sorry to those who casually read my blog--this is more for my family history than entertainment purposes. Fasten your seat belts, get some popcorn and a pillow and let's hope you don't fall asleep before I do...

1 comment:

MediocreMama said...

Easter in May is better than no Easter post at all.