Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Evil. Pure Evil.

I've often spent too much time in the dark ,with a growling stomach, watching a certain Temple movie, wondering exactly what that one tempting fruit would have tasted like. It had to be heavenly, right?  An apple, no way, people, come on!  As a woman, I am fairly certain Eve would not bring about the fall of human-kind for anything less than some divine chocolate. I am now convinced that it was a tree full of cadbury mini-eggs. I sampled the whole bag-- to test my hypothesis. I can say with all honesty, I know good from evil. Seriously, I stepped on the scale this morning. Nothing but evil.


mcampbell said...

I totally just bought some of those. And have eaten many. So much for going off sugar.

Unknown said...

I too am part of that evil, cant get enough of them

Brandon Bridge said...

Ok, so I thought it was just me. Thank-you for making this clear. Those things are indeed the devil. I have not yet bought a bag, but my mouth is watering, I believe the time has come.

MediocreMama said...

I watched that same video this morning and thought about this post...I personally feel it was more of a mint brownie or glazed donut hole that they ate. But these eggs work as well.