Tuesday, July 8, 2008

It all adds up...

Ella-Fever of 102+ sore throat
Jackson- Fever of 102.5 +sore throat
Max-Fever of 101+ new tooth
Leaky shower
Broken A/C unit
Malfunctioning security system

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Cast-off party!

What's a girl to do after wearing her cast for three weeks? Why, swimming, of course!  Ella wasted no time--she was in the pool almost before I was in the door.  After a long swim, we had a celebratory dinner catered by Grimaldi's pizza--a favorite from NYC days.  Yes, there is one in Vegas and no, I will not tell you where it is.  It's a state secret.  I do accept bribes though. Also, some delicious (or so I am guessing from the tantrum that was thrown when I refused to let them have second helpings two minutes before bed!) brownies.   A Hollie Hobbie movie was watched along with a Miss Spider's Sunny Patch episode.  Fun was had by all and Mom was relieved that one more broken bone has finally healed.  

The latest project:

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Feeling more Zen-like...see previous post.

And the gold medal goes to...

The silver medal goes to me for not throwing my computer on the ground and jumping on it because of my inability to upload any more pictures on blogger.  I keep getting internal errors.  ARGH!  I have like 15 cuter pics of Max. I'll have to try later when I've calmed down.  

Friday, June 27, 2008

Batman does not wear underwear

You'd think underwear would be a no-brainer, right?  We are having a hard time convincing Jackson that underwear is necessary.  It started with no shirt and quickly progressed to no underwear.   

me: "Why don't you like to wear underwear J?"

Jackson: "The thing is,  there are pokey things in my underwear."

me: "But we just bought you new pokey-free underwear at Target."

Jackson: (sadly) "It's still pokey."

me: "ARGH!!!!"

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Gym Rants

People, please tell me why, oh why you would wear a Victoria Secret half-cup push-up bra, with a sheer, sparkly, sequined top to a weight lifting class?  But of course, if you did, your outfit wouldn't be complete without a few large rhinestone bracelets and don't forget to flash the poor flat-chested woman behind you.  Let her know what it looks like to have boobs and remind her that her sports bra is just for show.  Thank you for the view today sparkly-topped well-endowed woman.  I can't wait to see what you have on next Wednesday.

And a special dedication goes out to my favorite Spin Class instructor who while at least forty, calls himself "Hops", and let all of us spin-crazed women know up-front that while he is a player and a flirt, he does not date people from the gym.  (And, sadly, yes he was being FOR REAL.)    I, for one, am truly relieved.  I might have been tempted to leave my husband of 11 years for you, Hops.  Your thoughtfulness is truly appreciated.  I'm going to go cry into my sugar-free sparkling water now and wonder about what could have been.   At least I know that tomorrow, I will get to hear more about how you never have to wait in line at the airport, like regular people.  And maybe you will tell the story again about how you met your close, personal friend the director the of the DMV.  I can't wait.