Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday and potty words.

Max still can't get over his potty word problem.  I've told him that he is only suppose to say poop in the bathroom.  Today, during Sacrament meeting, Max announced with urgency that he had to go.  We headed into the only empty stall and then he proceeded to loudly talk about what he was doing:

Max:  Mom, I'm sitting on the potty and pointing my wee down.  My poo is coming, Mom.  My poo is coming.
Me: (Quietly) Max, I am here.  I can see what is happening.  We don't need to talk about it.
Max:  Mom, I can say POO in the bathroom!  My poo doesn't want to come out.
Me: Max!  SHHHHH!
Max:  Mom, I pooped.  IT'S DROWNING!  MY POO IS DROWNING!!!
Me:  Max, it's okay.  This is what is suppose to happen, remember?
Max:  Oh, Yeah.  Hey, MOM  I have more POO!
Max: (Oblivious to my embarrassment and having a great time) I have 4 POOS, Mom!  See.  1...2...3...4... Look, they are little!  They are brown and round.
Me: (Peeking out the crack in the stall to see if I can leave without being seen.)  Okay, time to go wash our hands.
Max:  I pooped!  Mom, I can say Poop in the bathroom!
Me: (sigh) Yes, you certainly can!

Out of the mouth of babes:

Max:  I don't kick or punch, I just wack things.


Babelicious said...

What is it with boys and potty words??? My boys will ask me if they can say a word just so they can say it. A couple weeks ago I took Lincoln into the ladies room at church. He was furious I took him in the girls bathroom. The whole time he was in there he kept yelling "This isn't right isn't right!!" 3-yr-olds...sheesh!! Oh yes and my parents were babysitting and my dad was having a high priest meeting at his house and Lincoln walks into the meeting buck naked and says "Papa, can you wipe my butt!!" He was so mad at my dad for telling me he said "butt" because we don't say that word.

Angela Taylor said...

Ok, that is seriously so funny! Totally made me laugh.