Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Happy Endings...

Kate just came down from her room sobbing.  My first thought was that something terrible had happened.  Nope.  She finished reading a book that ended with the death of the main character.  She looked at me with the sweetest face, eyes filled with tears and innocence and said, "This book makes me think that there aren't always happy endings."  I may be a bad Mom but I tried really, really hard not to laugh.  Oh, Kate life isn't always full of happy endings but it is full of joy.  You will find this out.  In the meantime, I don't envy you the next 10 years.


[AnnieR] said...

Was it Bridge to Terabithia? That was my first death-of-a-main-character book. So sad but such a good book. And you're a great mother.

JH said...

Annie's right -- you are a great mother. I love Kate's tender little heart, and also don't envy her the next 10 years. Eeks! :) At least you'll keep things light hearted with her.

And I remember sobbing at the top of the staircase as I finished Where the Red Fern Grows. My mom told me no more tragic animal books.

p.s. This is Merzy, duh.

S.A.R. said...

I remember Meredith TELLING me the ending of Where the Red Fern Grows and sobbing with her. And Elizabeth joined in. And we all sat on Merzy's bed in a mess of emotional trauma and I think Mom just rolled her eyes and said, "Oh brother."

I love how much Kate gets into her books! It's such a relief that not everything ends happily. If it did, I wouldn't be happily married... I'd still be with that OTHER dude who is super boring.

MediocreMama said...

See, this is why I need a little girl. I relate to this.