Thursday, September 30, 2010

No one likes a frowny face :(

Jackson came home from school yesterday with a frowny face paper.  This means he was not able to sit in his chair to do his work, did not practice proper hall procedures, and spoke without raising his hand.  These are hard things for Jackson.  He can't even sit in his chair during meal time so I can't imagine how this challenges him at school.  Anyway, I expressed my disappointment in his behavior culminating in him crying it out on the couch.  Don't worry, the remorse lasted about 30 seconds and then he got distracted by a remote control car.  All better.  Anyhow, I was having a frank discussion about how we behave with him on the way to soccer practice.  To share his feelings with me, he broke out in song.  Yes, song.  It was so adorable, although I was trying hard to stay stern.  He sang about how he tries his best and works hard.  He sang about how he loves me and how I take care of him when he is sick and all the time.  Suddenly he stops and says, "Mom, sometimes my eyes water when I'm just so happy."  I look back at him and sure enough his eyes are "watering".   That, of course, chokes me up and I say, "Me too, J.  Me too."   How can you be mad at a kid like that?


JH said...

Sitting still in class won't get him anywhere in the long run. He's better this way.

Sarah said...

I swear kids know just when to be extra sweet. What a cutie.

Natalie Monk said...

I am glad that J and I are best friends! What a great kid you have! :) Give him a hug for me!

Andrea said...

Oh friend, (sigh) . . . after a few hours of very labor-intensive blog designing, I finally found the perfect combination of colors/patterns that correctly displayed my vision. Then I clicked on your blog for a little catch-up. Let's just say, I think you have great taste:) Not to mention, adorable children.