Thursday, August 6, 2009

This and that...

What Max looks like after he dumps the entire contents of the shampoo bottle into his bath toy.

The kids had a sleep-over successfully hosted by Jackson.
One morning before the clipper incident, Jackson spent a inordinate amount of time in the bathroom doing his hair. He came down the stairs singing, "Here comes your Prince Charming...." I was charmed.

Today on the way home from the eye doctors:

Kate: Mom, we need to get my eyes fixed before I get my drivers license. I want to be able to drive a car around when I go to college. I don't want to waste my money taking a taxi everywhere.

Me: Uh, okay. Let's get you through third grade first. (!)


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, laughing out loud. Thanks. Way to plan ahead jackson!

Meredith said...

Well, Erica, Kate has a point! Those cabbies charge a pretty penny!

I took some scissors to my bangs and then some...2 weeks before I started kindergarten. When I realized the unsightly results of my actions I put on Elizabeth's Halloween ghost costume from the year before, you know, thinking I'd just keep it on until my hair grew back. Mom would never have to know! Right, right.

See you tomorrow! (If Jeff didn't call you back, we're hitting up the I-15 at about 7:30.)

Meredith said...

7:30 pm, that is. :)

tjnicky said...

Whenever I need a good laugh I just open up your blog and I'm never disappointed!! I'm glad that we got to see you guys and your kids are cute as ever!

heather peck said...

that cracks me up about the clippers, we have a hairdresser in the making in our family as well! at least with a boy, you can buzz it all off, girls...not so easy!