Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Jackson, Jackson, Jackson!

I spend most of my time repeating what I say to Jackson. Sometimes, I have to grab his head, put my face right in front of his face, and explain what I need him to hear. It's almost torture for him, he tries to turn his head, he rolls his eyes around so he doesn't have to look me in the eye. I think he would love to exist only in his own world; where boys do not wear underwear, and peeing in the bushes at church is perfectly acceptable. In Jackson's world, he would not be required to eat his lunch in under 2 hours and there would not be any silly rules about throwing rocks in the house (What else could a wall possibly exist for? Clearly, it is for boys to see how big of a dent/hole they can make in it with rocks!) Jackson would romp around the neighborhood naked, except for maybe a band-aid, on a bloodless wound. He would never use a toilet, he would eat Popsicles for breakfast, lunch and dinner. He would climb everything in sight and only brush his teeth if he was hungry. There would be sword fights, monsters, Star Wars Clones, action heroes, dinosaurs, trucks, balls, T.V., candy and NO MOTHERS spoiling all the fun.

Well, my crazy little guy went too far today. He and his best buddy were throwing rocks and shooting foam balls out of a gun at a helpless baby bird. I received this account from my two breathless girls who either couldn't wait to tell on their brother or were shocked by the cruelty of it all. I am hoping the latter. Anyway, a few lies and denials later, Jackson burst into tears and admitted that he had thrown the rocks and shot the gun. I did everything I could possibly do to make him feel horrible and I could tell he already felt bad. This is my boy who gives hugs and kisses to all the old people in the nursing home(even the ones that smell) when we go to visit. What happened to my sweet boy?

I sent him to his room. He ran up the stairs sobbing. I came up a few minutes later and stood at the door. I could hear him talking and I was curious. He was praying. He explained to Heavenly Father why he thought it looked so fun to throw rocks and shoot the gun. Then he said he was sorry and wouldn't do it again. I melted. Jackson's prayer touched me deeply. You have to understand, this is the boy who refuses to hold still during a prayer, has trouble waiting until the prayer is finished to eat or say whatever his on his mind, and rarely folds his arms without being reminded. This is the boy who says the cookie cutter prayer every night inspite of constant admonitions to think before praying.
I guess he must be catching more than I think he is in that world of his. Oh, Jackson how I love your sweet, mischievous, innocent self. I am relieved that you will most likely not grow up to be a sociopath.


Aby Runyan said...

The other night, through rather pitiful tears, Rome said "Mom, I just don't think you like me."

I would have been quite happy if the earth had opened up and swallowed me whole.

Rome does that same exact thing, he CANNOT be still and CANNOT seem to focus on me for more than maybe a split second. I have to get right in his grill to even have a chance.

luvs, aby

Unknown said...

This sounds just like my Triston!!! That was a very sweet story. Thanks for sharing.

Laurel Dougall said...

how sweet. thanks for sharing!

Alisha said...

Thanks for this post. It was funny and touching. I miss Jackson. I am looking forward with horror and delight to all the fun he and Axel will have together next month.

Meek Family said...

That is Talmage to a capital T. Thanks for sharing, sometimes I think I am the only one who has a 6 year old boy like that.

mcampbell said...

I love that kid.

Also--great writing, sister dear.

Babelicious said...

That story and picture(which is hilarious) perfectly captures the spirit of boys. Just when you think you're going to completely lose it with them, they do something that just melts your heart! I'm convinced that's the only way any boys actually live to see their 8th birthday.

[AnnieR] said...

Is it strange that this story STILL makes me wish I had a boy?

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful story, makes me realize that the things that Walker does are normal "boy" things.