Monday, September 15, 2008


So I don't usually watch Oprah; It's not like I have anything against her, I just don't watch TV during the day.  Although, if I think about it I could have something against her.  I mean, I guess if I had a gazillion dollars, I would publish a magazine, name it after my fabulous self and of course, be on the cover of every issue.  Oh, and  I have her to thank for a very depressing 6 months with her book club books.  Great reads, great literature but SO sad.  I  was forced to read some fairly silly chic lit for therapy afterwards.  It took about a month to recover but I feel better now, thanks for asking.  Of course, that was a few years ago... like 7 or so, but who's counting? 

Don't worry I do have a point.  I happen to watch her show this morning (I was at the gym running on the treadmill.  Snap.)  and it was on child predators.  I guess there is a bill in the Senate to fund law enforcement to go after these creeps.  I try not to get too political but I really feel like this bill is something we could all get behind.   Rally the troops and check out Oprah's website: and send an email to your Senators.  I did.  

1 comment:

MediocreMama said...

I did it, too...then I read Amy Leavitt's post about it and felt sheepish for being an Oprah follower. I never thought I was! Although I did read several (depressing) books on her list as well...and I'd peel off the OPRAH'S BOOK CLUB sticker and call myself original.

Yes, you know you've made it when YOUR magazine features YOUR face on each issue. Scary.

P.S. I found your blog through Amy L.'s glad I did.