Thursday, September 11, 2008


It's been 7 years.   I remember sirens.  I remember the air tasting like panic, filling my lungs.  I remember breathing, in and out, in and out, in.  I remember being surprised by how quiet it was and longing for a truck to honk, a cabbie to yell some fowl word out his window with his fist raised to the sky.  I remember that fighter jets sound like airliners.  I remember seeing the Towers fall as I stood on solid ground-- 32nd street and 5th Ave.  I remember everything slowing down, blurring around the edges, the haze seeping into my brain.  What did I see?  What does it mean?
I remember Kate's warmth as she snuggled close to my chest and my arms around her--squeezing, filling any gap between us.  I  can still see her red strawberry hat with that comical little green stem, in stark contrast to the gray, smoke-filled sky.  I hear increasing concern in my voice as I leave messages on my husband's answering machine at work. I remember the minutes I spent contemplating widowhood and seeing Kate grow as an only child.  I remember how it felt to see my husband walk through the door of our apartment.  I remember how tangible he was, how real he felt when I hugged him.  I remember God on that day.  And on many days after.  


Anonymous said...

You were there?? Wow, I can't even imagine what you went through...
Beautifully written.

B said...

Wow, way to make me choke up... I forgot that you lived in New York during that time, I can't even imagine how scary that must have been. You have a way with words :)

Angie said...

I remember frantically calling your house from my office and praying you were all safe. What a relief when we finally heard from you.

T said...

Oh Erica, I wasn't aware you were at ground zero. What an intense experience. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I keep forgetting you have this second blog---will look back more often to see how you're doing...


Monk Family said...

Your memories brought a tear to my eye. I can remember just how worried we were for you and your little family. A very humbling experience. I do enjoy your writings on your blog. Very entertaining! Keep it up. We love you guys. Love, Aunt Nancy

Laurel Dougall said...

Hey Erica,
I wonder if you'll see this comment . . . I remember being there with you that morning, and as it all began! I believe we were doing an exercise/kidswap. You instantly knew it was Osama. Such a sad day. It changed my life! Anyway, thanks for sending me your blog info. Your blog is great! You can be so witty, and so poingnant (sp?). TJ mentions a second blog you have--what's that?