Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Jackson's homework: The second grade Rorschach test.

Insight into Jackson's thought process:

His homework page tonight with instructions to solve the "riddles"  with words from the box:

Word choices:  flame, take, mistake, same, snake, make, name, brake, games, became.

1. People play them.  They are _____. (games)

2. Someone gives you something.  You______ (Jackson's answer: brake) it.

3.  This stops the wheels of a car or bike.  It is a______.

Question #3 had Jackson really frustrated so he called me over to help him.  He couldn't figure out what word it could be!  We had a talk about the difference between "break" and "brake" as soon as I could control my giggles.  It was the best thing that happened all day.

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