Sunday, June 27, 2010


Dear Betty,

I am so glad to hear that we are friends! I was thrilled this morning at 3 a.m. when facebook notified me that you had decided to include me as one of your 743 friends. I really feel like our friendship is off to a good start despite the fact we have never met. Or wait, was that you, in the grocery store that commented (as I wheeled by) on the contents of my cart? If so, I'm glad that we could start a friendship on something so unassuming as hotdogs.

I do hope you won't be offended when I don't immediately answer your friendship request. I feel like we need to have a few more conversations (perhaps about broccoli?) before I let you know my birthday, my likes/dislikes, my other friends and view my kids pictures, etc. I'm sure that we will soon be the best of the best of friends. But let's take this new relationship slowly. I'm kind of old-fashioned that way but since we are friends, I'm sure you'll understand.



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