Thursday, September 24, 2009

Reynolds Family and the Harry Potter Extravaganza

My kids are scared to death of The Little Mermaid. Yes, the Disney cartoon version. So you can imagine the difficulty I had in getting them excited about the Harry Potter series. We started by reading the first book and as soon as we finished it was decided that we were going to watch the first movie and have a party. At our house a party is all about the eats. So we had chocolate covered frogs, edible magic wands, dragon dung, Bertie Botts all flavored beans, and of course different mix-your-own potions to drink. I printed out the house crests and the kids assigned us each to a house and made a badge/necklace for us to wear. In case you care: Kate-Gryffindor, Ella-Gryffindor, Jackson--Gryffindor, Max-Hufflepuff, Robert--Ravenclaw, Me-Ravenclaw. I was relieve to see the kids hadn't assigned me to Slytherin. I made them wait all day for the "movie party" so I know they were tempted. We had a great time and were only the slightest bit sick afterwards. :)


Anonymous said...

Kate told me all about this. She was so excited! I told her she has to invite me next time.

Angie said...

Man...I want to come too!! Sis, you're amazing what a great idea.

Meredith said...

That is SO INSPIRING! I think this next Saturday at the Priesthood session of Conference they're going to lecture the men about the evils of pornography, excessive video games, and the NEED to have Harry Potter Parties.

B said...

You're such a cool mom! I never do anything this elaborate!!! Sounds like so much fun :)