Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The fabulous and glamorous life of moi...

The hubby's evening:
(Gwyneth Paltrow, Chris Martin, Bono)
My evening:

Do I need to say more?


Aby Runyan said...

Ok, so why were you trick or treating in february?
luvs, aby

PS - Bob, you're still a dork.

Meredith said...

Did you know Gwyneth Paltrow has been my favorite actress since I saw her in Emma in 1998?

However, small costumed ones and the golden arches have deeper running charms.

[AnnieR] said...

I choose Kate, Ella, JJ and Max.

Emily said...

Ok, I'll admit it...that's pretty cool. But you know what I'm waiting for? The post where you divulge all the dirty secrets you came across while being you-know-who's personal assistant. Come on!

Andrea said...

Cuz, I am a little jealous of the Chris Martin part. I am a huge fan of Cold Play. However, you have the best job of all and I am certain you are a great mom. You need to come visit Idaho sometime. I don't think you have ever met my family. Maybe we will have to come down there. ;-)